Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Last week I was re-potting one of my plants.
This plant was given to me as house warming gift.
At that time, I thought I was certain with my life.

As I looked at the raw, uncovered, fresh roots
of my favorite pant
I couldn't help but notice how
my life at the moment
was very similar to the plant in my hands.

I have uprooted myself.
My tentacles are raw and fresh,
I feel as though parts of me
are severed, hurt, and lost.

As I surround the fresh roots
with new soil, nutrients and fresh water
I felt as though the leaves were renewed.

I too will be renewed, with time,
love, patience and faith.


  1. Beautiful and strong--the plant and you!

    I've always been amazed by plants I've neglected and how much they can spring back to life. A little more water, care, and attention and they just explode with growth.

    Keep turning to the light and you'll do the same. :)
