Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I Got My Flip Camera

You Tweeple better get ready
for some fabulous video taping.
There will be A LOT of it.
cute couples,

Hence: Snow Day

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Last week I was re-potting one of my plants.
This plant was given to me as house warming gift.
At that time, I thought I was certain with my life.

As I looked at the raw, uncovered, fresh roots
of my favorite pant
I couldn't help but notice how
my life at the moment
was very similar to the plant in my hands.

I have uprooted myself.
My tentacles are raw and fresh,
I feel as though parts of me
are severed, hurt, and lost.

As I surround the fresh roots
with new soil, nutrients and fresh water
I felt as though the leaves were renewed.

I too will be renewed, with time,
love, patience and faith.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Adventures with @LaceOfBase Part 2

Lacy and I went back to her house.
We checked out some craft sites,
looked at fashion magazines
I commented on her negligence.

Adored her pup, Miss Koda Koda

and watched over Lacy
as she began to craft.

Lacy decided to spruce up her mount.

she used fancy paper,
craft glue
and imagination.

I think it looks swell.